Green Jelly - Musick to Insult your Intelligence By
Green Jellÿ (pronounced “green jello”) was formed in 1981 in Kenmore, NY by founding member Bill Manspeaker. Originally named Green Jellö, the band changed its name due to legal pressure from the owners of the Jell-O trademark, Kraft Foods, who claimed that it was an infringement of their trademark. Throughout the early 80’s, Green Jellÿ performed throughout NY, opening for bands like The Ramones and New York Dolls. Their reputation for over-the-top live performances and food-hurling audiences got them banned from most local venues.
After finding local success, many of the members relocated to Hollywood, CA where they quickly became a fixture of the underground scene. Green Jellÿ then struck up an instant friendship with GWAR bonding with their mutual love of costumes and onstage antics. By this time, the band consisted of usually 20 members including new characters such as “Shitman” (a giant, walking corn-filled feces monster), “Cowgod”, “Rock n Roll Pumpkin”, and “Satan’s Ham.” At one point even Danny Carey and Maynard James Keenan of Tool made the Green Jellÿ roster.
Musick to Insult Your Intelligence By is the fifth LP the band has released, and their first studio album in 15 years since the release of 333 in 1994. Green Jellÿ founder Bill Manspeaker and most of the original line up from Cereal Killer and 333 perform on this album. It was originally recorded in 1995.
1. Sugar and Spice
2. Gefilte Fish
3. You Can’t Kill Me
4. Albert Fish Liverwurst
5. Stabby The Clown
6. Geek Girl
7. I Will Not
8. You’re Gone
9. Nothing to Say
10. Sweat Lagoon
11. Trick or Treat
12. Scroty the Clown